Jasmine smelled just like her name. I absorbed

  • Jasmine smelled just like her name. I absorbed her scent and took a step into the cascading light of the furnace. "Jasmine, is it really you?" I've been waiting

  • to confirm if the phoenix is my spirit animal for months. It should protect me from the flames. Jasmine yanked me into the fireplace. "My burn scent is less pleasant than yours," I

  • liked Princess Jasmine but her pyromania was starting to get on my nerves. I know no woman is perfect, but after she incinerated her tiger I started to worry that Abu was next.

  • Sure enough, the next day when I sent Abu to steal some money he never came back. I found him reaching for an invisible pocket, burnt to a crisp. I knew I had to kill Jasmine.

  • She could steal but she could not rob. And she came in through the bathroom window. Abu was impressed because he couldn't climb in the bathroom window himself, being 6'6. The jpb

  • otherwise known as The Jazzbo of Postal Bohos, was caught unawares as she snuck in through the water-closet's little paneled window.

  • The Jazzbo of Postal Bohos hung upside down from the ventilation duct her skirt tangled up in the heel of her shoe, her white ass waving surrender in the face of The Scatbo of Sewa

  • -rd (who didn't much care for that sort of thing, if you know what I mean). "Get it together, Gurl, sheesh!" Scatbo said as he gingerly helped Jazzbo down from her precarious perch

  • on the Official Fence of Insanity. “Jazzbo yur a 32 year old woman, overweight and still in high school!” Scatbo chided. “Look at you. Rockin’ that Muffin-Top.” he said.

  • Jazzbo was beyond caring. Her self-worth was much greater than her weight or her IQ. She smiled & danced like it was 1999 while everyone jealously observed. Long live Jazzbo!



  1. LordVacuity Apr 25 2019 @ 20:58

    5 and half years later...

  2. Woab Apr 26 2019 @ 14:23

    It is really interesting how the name Jasmine became Jazzbo even with a skip and two years time in between.

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