Choosing the right chocolate out of the box

  • Choosing the right chocolate out of the box is a very important decision. I don't like the cream-filled ones & those are usually round. Square is caramel. Which ones have the nuts?

  • Clusters, of course, and Turtles, too. While I'm not a fan of terrapin soup, I do like the candy. All that crunchy, yet sticky, goodness. Nuts aside, chocolate covered cherries

  • repel me with their overtones of penicillin mixture. Once, on a picnic in an olive grove in the Peleponese, I refrained from skewering and roasting a wild tortoise as I was full.

  • I usually refused nothing since my new job as a royal "taste trender" got underway last year. It was up to me to discover new exotic foods for King Friday. Last week while visiting

  • our local sow farm I noticed the bucket of pig swill, curry it up - he won't know the difference, I didn't taste that one of course even though I had the "taste trender" title it

  • smell real bad. Pig swill is stinky.

  • He comes into my store, drunk and wants to buy Death's Door vodka. I yell at him and say he is at death's door now. He stalks out, furious as Det. Manatee and his sea-monkeys await

  • his next blunder. They had just been served their nachos when the got word on what that blunder turned out to be. Det. Manatee grabbed a cheesy chip and stood up. The sea-monkeys d

  • ove into Det. Manatee's 36 oz cup of new coke and shuddered at the thought of the blunder which of course they had just gotten word of. Oh what a blunder it was! Oh to be

  • swimming again in the naivety that was Classic Coke before it Coke was Classic. Det. Manatee absentmindedly sipped his drink and ingested them all, just for the taste of it.



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