Mirna was convinced the rat was her father.

  • Mirna was convinced the rat was her father. He had her exact eye color. Even his foot twitched, like hers when she was nervous! She picked him up by his long tail and hid him in

  • her Mouse Trap board game. Mirna returned to a rat dying of cardboard cheese consumption. "My human child, I am the Rat King. Go now to the sewer. Restore peace and sanitate..ugh."

  • But it was Christmas. The Rat King was dead and urged her to bring peace to his rat subjects. But, she also had a date with that handsome Nut Cracker.

  • The Nut Cracker was killed in a car crash and that date never happened. Instead, she went to the Tree Goddess and asked for advice. She was told to visit the Museum of Rare Objects

  • to see the exhibit of magic carpets to find her ride up to Antarctica.

  • The first magic carpet she looked at was an Afghan with glyphs and ikons of the djinns that had worked on it worked into the pattern. She asked if it knew how to get to Antarctica.

  • She wasn't surprised when the ends of the rug twitched, and it opened up, as if it had a voice. "Of course I know how to get to Antarctica. I wasn't sewn yesterday." She smiled.

  • "Well," said the rug. "You don't know what we can find. Why don't you come with me, little girl, on a magic carpet ride?" "To Antarctica?" she asked. "Um...OK," the rug lied...lay.

  • The girl shrugged on her thickest coat, wrapped scarves around herself and adorned every extremity with some variety of knitted apparel. "I'm ready!" she told the magic carpet.

  • “Carpet, fly me to South Paw,” which was a bar in Pittsburgh. The carpet misunderstood, thinking she had said fly her to “South Pole.” She ended up in Antarctica, frozen stiff.



  1. TarotGuy May 24 2018 @ 15:07

    Boy, did I get that ending bass-ackwards! Wish I had seen PurpleProf's fold.

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