Charles new what was coming next. The pancake

  • Charles new what was coming next. The pancake flew through the air; it's velocity reaching maximum as it splattered across Meggie's face, destroying her cherub-like demeanor to cre

  • -ate a psychological aversion to Denny's: the food, the viscous toppings, the viscous fluids. The pancake fell onto Maggie's table. It was like a giant eye peering into her soul

  • and she felt it speak to her. It said that Maggie should find someone much smarter than her and turn over all life's decisions to that person. Maggie thought that sounded like

  • fresh horse excrement. "I've never heard worse advice!" Maggie cried at the voice in her head. "Geez Louise" the voice said, sobbing. "I'm just trying to help." Maggie wouldn't let

  • the voice in her head talk after that. She put a virtual bandage over its "mouth," and that's just when voice #2 piped up,"HEY! Is there room in here for me, now?" Maggie jumped

  • Out of bed, naked and screaming. Her mum called Dr. Yoshenko, her shrink, for advice. He recommended Monty Python reruns for therapy and she howled like a wolf at the moon. No one

  • was brave enough to tell her is was her son's pressed ham. They presumed she make them explode somehow. She'd done it before. She had. The was that time the raffle sale money went

  • to the families of the victims. No amount of money could cover the psychologist's fees for people who'd had to scrape their cousins off the walls of the town hall.

  • The one upshot was that town hall was now permanently stained a cheery shade of red. The mayor had secretly planned the entire thing as a cost-cutting measure.

  • I always knew that damned Mayor was crazy. I should have know he was illegally buying paint from thespanish in exchange for our children. And now hes painted the hall red. Red! Ew



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