FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11just hang a hosepipe over a branch & turn on the tap. No! You need to make a calculation re. the extent of the rootball using this equation. First use pi to at least 10 decimal pla
10- you guessed it - more bacon! Guaranteed to improve any situation. Pile it high, slather that with some maple syrup, and gulp down several mugs of Porky's Piggy Pilsner.
11nuns from around the world "liking" his assets, much to his chagrin. Why, he couldn't even step foot in a church without a nun approaching him for his autograph. Twas a bad habit.
14I was only here for corn chips, but here I was, frozen in the aisle, because a (devastatingly handsome) staff member had walked into the same aisle, freestyle rapping about
10and yelled "Roll!" I rolled toward her, smothering my flames, before I noticed the platter of fresh rolls in her hands. "You saved my life, Mrs. McGurk," I said, taking a roll.