FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10with our feet wrapped in pink tissue paper. The vagabond cruise ship was actually a colander or a kitchen sieve which let water in but the tissue paper kept our feet dry
14as big as a Clufwaang soared over him, accompanied by the sound of a thousand grieving angels. Fagan knew that this meant it was time, time for it all to end. What hope was left?
10made the plots hard to follow. Even though the tape worms' colloquialisms were confusing (at best), they had a certain flair for Gonzo drama and the sudden inclusion of
10I'm not paranoid! I'm not paranoid! [curtain] Scene 7: [CLARA sprawled onstage, moaning] BUSTER: Well, what's this? Are those tire marks? [hill giggles]
12n assignment that would take her on an overseas jaunt leading to the peripheries of other continents, not so much deeply into their interiors but more than just a few miles in?