FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
15My name is Mudd, with two Ds, the second D is silent; in theory, if only one of them is silent and the other one isn’t, it doesn’t matter which of the Ds is silent and which isn’t.
10I triple dog dare you! The last time I heard those words were last week, when Luther dared me to eat that whole container of low-fat buttery spread. At first, it was
14the game. "Balls are so re-tarred. And any fan knows that balls get a mud bath and massage beforehand." I wondered why the ball was all up in my face. Suddenly it hit me.
12the inconvenience." The others relieved by the sense of routine returned to their shopping. I shoved the snoring body into the cart and inconspicuously wheeled it towards checkout
11Tired of endless people purposefully wiping smears of dirt and grime on him. Never moving, never seeing the world as his Uncle Stan, the flying carpet, always described it. The rug