FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11..but instead of speeding through cowboy country and ultimately careening into a canyon, Frank, Bob, and I took a turn north into Canada and encountered a wily Canuck.
10ing...<yawn>...during....ZZzzzzzzhmufffzzzzzzzz...... I woke to the smell of burning jet fuel & scorched flesh. Whaa? I looked around. I was the lone survivor. This was my fault!
11ever. That was four years ago. The effects weren't actually as tangible as you might think. The most noteworthy change was that I began to think like a lima bean. I noticed
10The first acorn became a lovely Oak Tree of Wisdom. The second a modest Willow of Learning. But the third Acorn of Witchery became a gnarled black Bramble of Buggery. The travelers
11"I am a luxury hobo. Observe." The bearded man on the beach stuck out his thumb and a cruise liner picked him up. "I've been poor in 35 countries and hundreds of resorts. Follow me