كانت طفولت احمد عصيبة فهو

  • كانت طفولت احمد عصيبة فهو من أسرة فقيرة وكانت أوضاعهم المعيشة صعبة جداً مما اضطر وهو في عز شبابه ان يسافر للعمل في الخارج ليوفر حياة كريمه له و لأسرته و لكن لم تكن الغربة سهلة أبدا

  • ورغم ذالك اشتغل وتعب من اجل ان يوفر حياة كريمه له ولأسرته وواجه كل الصعوبات للعيش في حياة كريمه بعيداعن الفقر

  • وبعد ان اجتهد وضغط على نفسه انتهت مرحله الفقر وبدا بتكوين نفسه وبدا حياه جديده

  • احمد عاش فقير ولكن لم يتوقف بل ذهب من اجل اسرته وانقذهم من الفقر ولمن تكن الغربه سهله بل كانت صعبه جدا لكن رغم الظروف كافح من اجل الحياه '' عبدالرحمن صالح البناقي

  • بعد ان استقرت اوضاع احمد المادية تعرض لي انتكاسه ماديه جعله يفكر بالعودةالى الوطن فهد عبدالعزيزالعنزي

  • وعندما عاد اصبح غنيا والحمدالله وشكرا لله ادعوا يا اخوان وصلوا تفتخلكم ابواب دنيا قبل الاخر وانتهت القصه سعيده تصبحون على خير

  • Translation And when he came back he became rich and thank God, thank God, pray, brothers, they arrived, the doors of my world are broken before the other, and the story is happy,

  • Happy for those who find succor in miracles. Not happy for me though. I don't believe in miracles. I believe in the future. I believe in the Renfield Gambit on ontology Tuesdays at

  • the Casino. Betting a cockroach for the chance of winning a mouse. I saw a further wager of the mouse to get a cat in my future. My plan to attain superhuman lifeforce was foiled

  • by The Cat Beyond All Things, who casually batted the mouse and cockroach bets off the edge of the Cosmos. It looked at me with Its inscrutable gaze.



  1. SlimWhitman Oct 29 2019 @ 03:37

    Ahmed was a difficult child, he was from a poor family and their living conditions were very difficult, which forced him in his youth to work abroad to provide a decent life for him and his family, but it was never easy In spite of that he worked and toiled in order to provide a decent life for him and his family and faced all the difficulties to live in a decent life away from poverty After he worked hard and pressed himself he ended the phase of poverty and began to reform himself and began a new life Ahmed had lived poor but did not stop there, but went for his family and saved them from poverty and brought them to those who were easy in the West, but it was very difficult, despite the circumstances he struggled for their life '' Abdulrahman Saleh Al-Banaki After the stabilization of Ahmad's physical conditions, he was subjected to a physical setback that made him think of returning to the homeland Fahad Abdulaziz Al-Enezi. When he returned to become rich, thanking God again and again, his brothers arrived and said you can be proud at the doors of the other world, and the story ended happy for you became good. end translation but the story continued from there . . .

  2. Woab Oct 29 2019 @ 12:13

    Cool! Thanks for the translation, Sim.

  3. Woab Oct 29 2019 @ 12:14

    I mean, Slim. Maybe I need a translator.

  4. BlastedHeath Nov 01 2019 @ 16:40

    Uh oh, Chongo!

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