If I found a dog

  • If I found a dog

  • I would call him George. I would love him & pet him & squeeze him & pat him & pet him &..." "Uh, I'm not a dog." "Then how come you have floppy ears,a cold nose & a tail,George?"

  • George confided in me that he was a P.I. His penchant for bloodhound role-play was how he sniffed out the bad guys. The floppy ears were a bonus. With his cold nose to the ground,

  • he concentrated on isolating the important scents from the superfluous. One by one smells that were blended together unraveled. The distinct scents of; coffee, paint thinner, and

  • plaid bell-bottom pants from the spring of 1974 with a basenote of platform shoes and a topnote of electric blue evenings. The coffee and paint thinner could wait. Sherlock IV

  • hated Watson VI. Sherlock IV's latest investigation resulted in killing five Watson droids. That investigation started in Galactic Halo and led to Detroit. Sherlock VI had been cal

  • led in to deal with Lenin 14 who had been sighted driving a tractor amongst Detroits fields of ripening corn with an ice pick tucked into his hand tooled leather belt. Sherlock VI

  • Was taking copious notes while drinking coffee, when Trotsky 18 joined him. Stalin 29 was plotting the next revolution with him and Lenin 14 when the Minister of Propaganda visited

  • with the purpose of disabling the Soviet Leader replicating machine. The best that he could do was to fix it so that it only replicated 130-year-old yogurt-eating grannies. Soon

  • people worldwide looked back on Putin as a huggable softie, once they discovered what a major superpower looks like when ruled by an Indira Gandhi on steroids. Time for plan B.



  1. Woab Aug 24 2016 @ 14:46

    OMG- This story has 12 folds, due to a glitch when I was trying to post. Bwahaha, this gives me more chances to get to a thousand likes. I should screw things up more often...

  2. IceSquad Aug 24 2016 @ 14:56

    Ever consider there might be other Woabs in parallel universes?

  3. Woab Aug 24 2016 @ 14:58


  4. Woab Aug 24 2016 @ 14:58


  5. Woab Aug 24 2016 @ 15:01

    ,,,could be....

  6. SlimWhitman Aug 24 2016 @ 16:29

    Maybe you have clones... I'm talking to the one of you commentors who is the real Woab, You know who you are. Or do you?

  7. BlastedHeath Aug 24 2016 @ 20:10

    Woab and the Glitch Clones

  8. Woab Aug 25 2016 @ 16:44

    What's really weird now is that one of the identical posts has more likes than the others. Some of the Woabs are getting jealous!

  9. BlastedHeath Aug 25 2016 @ 20:58

    The clone who laughs last laughs loudest. (and the comedy often falls on the third beat)

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