The wedding was more "Yakety Sax" than "Here

  • The wedding was more "Yakety Sax" than "Here Comes the Bride" because

  • the Bride was more "Oakridge Boys" than "Electric Pai Gow." Her husband, Mitch Tirtle-Dikeman couldn't turn his market analysis off. Through out the entire wedding he assessed

  • the markets, sold 10k penny shares to the organist & they had their first marital row walking back up the aisle as Mitch wouldn't get off his mobile. Mitch & Ditsy Tirtle-Dikeman

  • were just-married nouveau riche social media enthusiasts. So they decided to honeymoon in San Jose where they could stalk Zuckerberg in between bouts of consummation. Mitch & Ditsy

  • Disguised themselves as Facebook users who idolised Shark Lady in order to gain access to Zuckerberg 's bank accounts and hijack them. In the Cayman Islands, Sir Wilbert Horsehead

  • returned the secure phone to it's cradle. Showing consternation was not Sir Wilbert Horsehead's way. So it came as a surprise to see it on him. He fumbled at That Very Safe Safe.

  • But let's face it, Sir Wilbert Horsehead fumbled at pretty much everything. Why he thought he could be a jewel thief was pure conceit on his part. He looked bad in a turtleneck,

  • Even worse outside of one. Full face masks were another matter. Those he could rock like no one’s business. That’s how he got the name “Horsehead” though you shouldn’t remind him

  • or he'll do this whole tired routine. The dancing, the jokes, and of course that bloody stupid mask, which was rather insensitive given who the Communist army was fighting.

  • But alas, the end of the world was nigh. Insensitivity was irrelevant. It was time to charge toward my foe, rifle in hand, only to be blown to bits by his hubris.



  1. KieferSkunk Nov 23 2020 @ 22:03

    That's the trouble with writing an ending fold. My ending was perfect, the greatest ending fold of all time ... for some other story that wasn't this one. ;)

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