FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Instanbul Night 3: Went to a Hamam.My flea infestation is gone but so is my tattoo. The scrubbing took off more than dead skin.Ouch! Noone wants my electric blankets. Cash is low.
11"What's that got to do with anything?" I wailed. I shook my head in resignation, shuffling slowly down Nowhere Lane, dragging my feet due to the enormous weight of the golden boots
10Mr. Potato emptied the powder into a human skull and added boiling water. "This will complete the ritual," he muttered to himself. However, he hadn't accounted for the eye sockets.
13This pleased the Grammar Police, who let her family go after mild syntax injections. She breezed through college, becoming First Lady of Linguistics. Her family was very proud.
14"Unfortunately, we also know what it smells like," agreed Regina, and she flounced out the door, flipping the hair on both of her heads in a saucy manner no man can resist. Herman