FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10wrinkly. Steve ran his fingers through Sharon's fu and gripped tight. His fu was revolving. Then... clattering. A door - SLAM. Their manchus had run away TOGETHER TO NEPAL
10Foxi Red LaRue was a tough vixen. She kept her den clean but things ended up getting done when getting them done meant that Foxi got done. She liked getting got. She like it a lot.
10Swallowing the pinballs from my winning streak at Wong Pinball Emporium to prevent others from repeating it had turning into a duodenal nightmare."No general anasthesea" said Dr
12shook Pooh's shoulders roughly. "We can never go back. You know what happened to Tigger." Both shivered at the thought. "Here put these on." Chris Robin threw him a pair of pants
15A pessimist, an optometrist, an oncologist and a talking prune walk into a bar. The bartender says to the group "What would you like?" The pessimist says "Meh, you won't have it."