FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12of the situation, having a priest perform an exorcism of the house. He proved useless. The ethereal kittens morphed into a specter of Catwoman & wiled the priest into lashing Turgo
10Potato. Heaps and heaps of potato in its many varieties. Pulverized! Fricassee! Fried! Smashed! Sliced. Potato. She set to work, and her guests barely noticed the chicken flavor.
11It was the moment Sisyphus had been dreading - performance reviews. Beelzebub tapped a clipboard. "Well, Sissy, it looks like today's your lucky day. You've been reassigned to
10All the living beings of the ocean were invited to the party. The predators, their meals and the meals of the meals. The kind of party you can't tell if you'll get out of it alive.
11pretended to sweep while the monkey made off with his wig. The Monkey became Judge of the Jungle wearing the powdered wig whenever court was in session. In the case of Hyena vs.