FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10"Does the Beast often get pizza delivered?" The demon pulled a dove from a toaster, then folded the dove into a handkerchief into which he sneezed. "He's more into Chinese
11'fervently ardent'. And please put down that sausage. I find it strangely fascinating." The sausage guru hung his head and said "As you wish, O fa," and hid it under his vestments.
12. Now pay attention. The total sum of my love for you is the inverse proportion to my love of maths. So, if you took the time to calculate the mean.. where're you going?
10But then, inspiration. I made a lengthwise crease down the center of an embossed sheet. Paper airplane, bitches. I folded two (2) corners to the center, titillating the clientele
11"You're wrong," said Eeyore gloomily. "We can't all & some of us don't. That's all there is to it. I don't do mellow." He then wandered to his thistle patch to stand in the rain.