FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Smoke my Gouda!
10Ted was about to sally forth with the narrative when a seizure left him unable to speak. His neurologist hooked him up to Hawkings sentient speech synthesizer. Our story in 4th per
10an open mind pays off [Green Eggs and Ham], laughter and happiness triumphs over evil [Something Wicked This Way Comes] and it's better to burn out than it is to rust [Neil Young].
10. Especially when he's wearing a fanny pack." You learn something new every day. It took awhile, but finally I worked what the Shaolin priest's hand gestures meant.
11"Yukon gold! Nuggets as big as your fists! Yeehaw!" he said. We immediately took a hard right and canoed to Nova Scotia. Cold as a witches teet it was, but we had nowhere else to