FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12choosing to make floor-length curtains that would later be converted into playsuits for the children. As the minions danced and sang their way through life, the Queen couldn't help
14Dogmeister beer was made from this concoction and sold so fast it became a distillery in the former fireworks factory. Fido became rich as did Sheba, his tortoiseshell cousin.
13an awesome fold that Flopp put together right there. Flopp is known for great writing and being there for you when the story needs it the most. Much like this next folder who
11$10.56. What can I say? I'm good at negotiating. I'd practically memorized "The Art of the Deal". I was admiring myself in the rear-view mirror when I smelled the backseat.
10ubiquity and volatility of thoughts. Nobody believed it at first, how could our minds be just hotels where our thoughts, actually ethereal alien beings,just take a rest and travel