FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12bath salts; those things can seriously mess with your mind! Anyway, I was then visited by a man with a bow tie, suit, and a police box, telling me, "Ready for an adventure? :D"
10Unfortunately the oil disguised the natural scent of her mate. She identified him as a foe & shot off a couple of arms which fatally pierced his mantle. He died in a puddle of ink.
12Dentene, god of fresh breath..." his voice trailed off as the sedatives kicked in. He mused. What if he really was washed up? Already? Maybe he should reconsider prostitution.
10ssed designs adorned his binders full of women. "We shall over-comb!" "Keep your stubby little hands and your hair to yourself." The teacher was not impressed.
12her Japanese Restaurant.Yes,Japanese.Why not?Madam Wong owned a Japanese Restaurant in Beijing.