FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
18know why Dr. Goodfeel sold me the same exact kit last month as a pregnancy test, but I trust his homeopathic expertise enough to fork over the $500 each time without whining. Also,
10like the floor was lava and his ass was about to catch fire. He returned with the first course promptly. According to the syllabus it was Dictatorship for Dummies 101. "Dig in."
11I made my way to the crypt and found the corpses of all my guards, each sitting side-by-side. I made my way deeper into the crypt and found a decapitated head on a pike. I quickly
10The slow motion aliens have finally landed. Everything in the world slowed down to a crawl. "It is to teach the human race patience & to learn to take time to smell the roses," the
10challenge is figuring out how MoralEnd's unusual mind works. No one really knows, but we love him anyway. Also, try not to be bothered by grammatical errors in FoldingStory. Just