FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10. Especially when he's wearing a fanny pack." You learn something new every day. It took awhile, but finally I worked what the Shaolin priest's hand gestures meant.
15cade, ducking my head as the paparazzi chased me relentlessly. Since when did ugly become the new "sexy"? I spotted an open manhole in the street & jumped in. They wouldn't follow
10He performed acupuncture on his gums to varying degrees of success. As tough on hemorrhoids as they were on his toilet, Mr. Needlepoop eponymous droppings brought him fame in the
11tripping in them because once I crossed a road gnawing an undercooked spare rib slathered in mayo & didn't see a pothole. I fell, a wasp stung me, a dog licked my ear and a bear
15Luckily he had a long and effective tongue (or so he had been told) and in a jiffy he was all spic and span and ready for the world. The bathing prohibition had been instituted