FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10map out lines around his body as a guide to where his shorts should go. "Infamy!" yelled Ouchy, "you said you'd left Clowns Without Borders forever!" "Mwahaha!" cackled Bonzo, "my
11"We mustn't tell anyone, this would cause a world wide panic!" Those were the last words I heard before I accidentally hit "Send to everyone."
10It was like some sort of sadistic ritual to bring the dead fishies back to life! Elliott grew pale. What kind of sick person would do such a thing? That poor librarian, Mrs. Fitz,
10but it was blocked. Someone had stuffed a ball of fish scales in the keyhole. I opened the door. Little trails of water criss-crossed the floor. My pillow was wet. The goldfish swa
12and searching for a place to rain. No, no, maybe the lead character is the cloud. That's it and the dying sun ray is her lover. Which means the raindrops are tears. So sad. Enter