FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10the base boards inside his hotel room. He put down his pen and saw magic bean stalks growing out of his shower. He called the front desk. "Looks like you have a Narnia infestation
11didn't know what to do. He attended the funeral and paid his respects, then continued his life with him in mind throughout the rest of his days at the job.
10George didn't bring the Christmas Goose to dinner again. Last year, everyone got sick from eating it. This year, George had a Christmas Horse. Aunt Phoebe was flabbergasted. She
11the cantina by an overzealous elderly Jedi. He then makes his way to the nearest back alley doctor in the streets of Mos Eisley to receive medical treatment and vows to avenge his
12One afternoon the Dalai Guru of Reincarnation got hopped up on lemongrass chiffon and made a few bad decisions.