FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10have with with non-virtual friends.Real friends disappoint you, leave the toilet seat up, borrow your car and leave it on empty and make a pass at your boyfriend. But my FS friends
12She'll surely take me back this time. After making a few adjustments to my appearance, I walked to her room and knocked. But when she opened the door, there was another man with
12on a magazine rack. And he received no flak for the yak of his jack. But he was taken aback by an attack from some quack riding a hack (without slack) on a railroad track.
10is not tolerated in this folding story. Anyway, Dr. Pheelguddenheistmeistersteinenburger's German Shepherd Adalwolfa Brunhilda (formally a police dog) started barking at Von W. III
11The demonolgist's day job was painting lines in parking lots. This went well until the winter solstice