FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10rich enough to afford three lifetimes of opium and heroin, and frankly the premise had been milked when Sherlock was still in books. The Mouse Detective revived it briefly, but TV
12Spiderwoman surreptitiously slid several sticky silky strands into the aioli dip while Hobgoblin was staring into his glass of tea. " Rooibos?" She asked. "Huh?"
14my Uncle Hugo, who's Flemish, has been missing for weeks, & he's gotta be SOMEWHERE. Then I recalled the way his belly quivered when he moved, & his wish to visit a pudding factory
10For one thing, his comments on FS were always critical of others' grammatical errors.
10d wherein one folder switches the protagonist's sex, either by mistake or intentionally. Sometimes you get a foreign fold, daring fellow folders to translate or add blind. Another