FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14In the barbeque pit for six hours, until ready to be coated with cheese. The recipe recommended cheddar cheese but there was only gorgonzola. So that's
11with sequins. Glitter bomb the Chopper and his stupid rambo-esque name! Rambo. Now there was a man who could appreciate the finer things the jungle has to offer. Like glitter.
12Fantastic, Familial, Forensic. G is for Glabrous, Gelatinous, Gershwinesque. H is for
12Open a Canada fine tomato pulp and heat it up to boiling point. 5th, Denmark the level to which to add the pulp and pour it in. 6th, Kenya smell the bolognese already? If not
12sea-monkey mind and illuminated her path into Magical Reality. The Sea Monkeys introduced her to the Holy Ocarina then showed her their coffee-table book of Bob Venosa paintings