FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10at all-you-can-carry for a vow of eternal servitude. As a bonus most of it is written in crayon in a language I invented. ACT NOW) But I think most people who quit FS do so because
14things you shouldn't see, you have really bad guys wanting to kill you. When you have really bad guys wanting to kill you, you dress up like a woman and move to Brazil. When you d
10be true. . .WAS he a racist--a misogynistic, red-necked, dumber than a pile of rocks, Nazi-loving, good-for-nothing, Putin's-ass-kissing, homophobe with money? You decide!
10"God no, don't, you'll kill yourself," my bawling wife implored as she pulled at my robe sleeve. I batted her arms away. "Stand aside, woman! I am going to submit 100 folds today
33to know how to handle this crate. "Everybody buckle up and put your head between your legs" I flipped a couple of important looking switches. "and don't call me Shirley."