FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Pinch me! Slap me! Tickle my spot!
10vodka and bread lines. Then a stork said, "To hell with this baby crap. I'm going into the pickle business." His best friend said, "Tom, you're talking crazy. We deliver babies
10delivered cold. She was the conservative type, and she was very perceptive; not to mention easily offended. I suspected that under that prim-and-proper exterior, though, lie a
13Any questions? [Pause] Because if you have any questions, turn them into statements, and put them in the next fold. This will reveal something about your brain.
11I am happy about starting a new job this week, but now I have to figure out how I can keep folding stories at my desk without anyone knowing. It is possible they may be monitoring