FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10-swung his axe and took Officer McMahan's left leg off. The Wyrd slapped his hands together and the leg spawned more legs. They slithered toward Ned. Everytime he swung the axe
12I told her to fork off. She's potty. Casoletta on the other hand is a different kettle of fish. She's a dish I'd bake cookies with. I haven't found the recipe to garnish her danish
12It is Mrs. Peabury, an octogenarian savant who lives in the basement of the Jeopardy studio. All night long she writes the problems for the show. No-one realized that she was mad.
10one small lizard boy remained: Leif. Fun fact: few lizardfolk like accordion music but Lief was not like most iguanaboys. Leif made Rupert play 6 encores. Afterwards, Leif clawed
10D. Master Control Program E. Revert to cuddle-me-Elmo cloak mode. "Whaa?" After initial shock discovering my Elmo doll was a means of surveillance & control I reprogrammed Elmo to