FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14It was actually pretty nice in there. I set up a time share with Jed and Frank, a nice gay couple from Yorkshire. Sure the stomach acid got in the way every now and then, but
11Since I already knew the ending I quickly ran into my apartment, grabbed a lawn chair and a six pack of beer. I settled down in my front lawn and watch as the hero began to help.
10kieferskunk was a principled folder and didn't write things-that-were-unfoldable. He didn't reveal who cut the cheese, but instead, graciously steered fold in another direction by
10A ‘V’ of storks flew into Saint Petersburg Maternity Ward to steal babies again. Babies were Russia’s #1 export, so their economy was crumbling. Storks slew roubles, as well as
11Luckily the black hole picked it up for me. Its selective, benevolent gravity was a real plus for our town. Rabid strays: No more. Trash collection: Easy. But where did it all go?