FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13in 9 months which, incidentally, was the time it took for his baby to arrive. "I shall name you Peter" He said, patting the baby on the head who resultantly burst into tears.
14The loose end of the cotton bud slowly worked its way around the ear canal. Sound waves bounced every direction but failed to penetrate the tiny bit of cotton fluff blocking the en
10His dreams flashed intermittently. First, he was a swan living on a quiet farm outside of Monaco. Flash. Then he was falling forever through a chocolate landscape. Flash. Then he
11His head went smack and his jaw went slack when he fell from the great whack. There was no going back. The world went black and as the train appeared he had a panic attack.
10-Man and the Masters of the Universe!. Wow! Childhood cartoon slogan turrets just interrupted my fold.