FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14"They give me one star, I give them the Death Star." Darth, helmetless and harrowed, marched to the front of the ship. passing his new trampoline & pinball machine in the hallway.
15stupid gets. Now answer me, do you like rhinos?" Jenny implored again. I nodded uncertainly. "Good." and she unzipped herself and stepped out as a rhino. "This is who I am!"
11early, then coasted for the rest of their lives. The Parka Generation, as they became known, lived through the 2020-60's on the nostalgic high of that music festival. Kenny himself
11he writing, and then pass it to the next player for a further contribution. Surrealism disciple Endo Morales developed a new surrealist technique: internet text frottage, in which
12you've waited too long, run for cover!! 7th, get Japan and fry some shallots. Wait two hours and congratulations! You've got a smelly kitchen and some honest work for dish washers.