FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10"Can't you do that somewhere else?" I said and did a faceplam. That big idea I was working on went out the window with He-man's might declaration: "I. HAVE. THE POWER!"
19are proof of a higher power." She was flattened by the flattery and swooned. Flat Stanley roguishly lay her down on the bed but accidentally gave her the mother of all paper cuts.
11The pizza continued looking at Tuck expecting more conversation than that! "Hey you Schmuck," the pizza shouted at Tuck, "you could at least acknowledge a Talking Pizza!" Onlookers
10EZ-Bake Oven, I could turn all this flying batter into tasty treats that the whole family would enjoy!" Sadly, Jane, in her demented state, had forgotten that the domestic toy she
11like a red hot tamali. I remove the champagne bottles from the top of a pail & sit down. Ahhh! Dr. Derriere looks alarmed. Too late, I find they kept live lobsters in the ice, too.