FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12She leant her forehead against his shoulder then wiped her tear stained face across his shirt. "I don't want this divorce." "We can't have everything we want, we both know that."
11"Save, us, Insecurity Woman," someone in the audience called out, "You're our only hope!" "Oh, I'm sure someone else could do it better," she replied, chewing anxiously on her nail
11The auctioneer attempted to look shocked, but the fate of the golden turds were written across his face. Literally.
15My name is Mudd, with two Ds, the second D is silent; in theory, if only one of them is silent and the other one isn’t, it doesn’t matter which of the Ds is silent and which isn’t.
10First I jumped for Joy, and then I fell for her... fell hard. Joy again extended her hand to me and I gratefully pulled myself back up. Joy, to the world, was just another student