FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Low budget lightning attack that couldn't even kill a man covered in circuitry. Truly, the Power of the Dark Side suffered at the hands of budget cuts. The Emperor did not dispair
14cat with autocratic beliefs. He is known as Chairman Meow. After enslaving the dogs, he purred to himself," all cats will unite as a single body."
10How could I have forgotten that hotel room full of smoke? Lana'd gotten a bag of loose cigarettes and over the two weeks, the room took on hazy strata. I'd count the layers and
12had turned into an unnaturally straight tunnel of doom, but my mind was now scrambled and I doubted my every step. The many-forked Minotaur backed away mockingly. My salad fork
10chews then swallow. Drink 2 ounces of water. Unfold napkin wipe mouth, then fold in a triangle again. Look at clock, count 3 seconds. Eat next quarter of my sandwich. 84 chews then