FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Street Sweeper 90210, Street Sweeper Down Under, Street Sweeper Week, Return of the Street Sweeper, A Street Sweeper Strikes Back
11said "Oi, what do you think you are doing?" He choked on his taco. "I'm providing a bed to the homeless officer, is there a problem?" Yeah, you forgot a pillow"
10"This is exactly what I wanted! Thanks Santa!" I put on the luxuriously soft underpants, sighing contentedly. Maybe this Christmas wouldn't suck after all.
10-arium. The stink. The humidity of full-commando underwearless naturalism trapped by the rough fibers of hemp. The Pink Floyd Laser show made me see how gross humanity really
10to find a princess whose cheesy kiss could restore me. My fold was sent to the ICU where its bloatedness from too many puns and irritable vowel syndrome was treated. The bill