FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Steve activated the iChute app on his iPhone and did a graceful dive out of the plane. "I love technology!" he yelled, but then looked down at his phone...BUFFERING... No parachute
11d throughout the stony labyrinth in which I now found myself trapped. Around which corner would I find the Minotaur? Rumor had it that some of these mazes were infinite. A chill
11the festival crowd. Everybody recognized it as the opening strum of the hot song of 2019 by their local boy. Kenny of Kenny & the Parkas. Anyone who drank the free grape-ade peaked
12Henry, Emma, Liam, Larry, Olivia, Simon, Lola, Isabel, Mary, Will, Hillary, Isaac, Terry. My office, now.
13Just chawing on a Twizzler, admiring the stupid rhinos.