FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12"It matters not," muttered Dr. Kinsey. "Regardless of their orientation, bananas remain nature's ultimate phallic symbol, violating all of its eaters and
14atop a giraffe and do a wee 19.) Buy each other a huge pizza and ride them down a steep hill. 20.) Write saucy poems to each other on the side of catamarans. 21.) Send each other
10we attended bingo. B4 was called and I remembered our plan to elope. I couldn't leave yet, because I only needed I22 to win. We were just going have to wait until next week.
10. A young Tibitian looked at the silver tea pot and saw his reflection distorted. The kettle whistled and he hastily prepared oolong for the Dalai Lama. Elsewhere, a man dreamed.
11if maybe no pants and sailor suit was limiting his A-game with the ladies. Maybe he could get some pointers from his Uncle who taking a daily swim in his loot.