FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10All the living beings of the ocean were invited to the party. The predators, their meals and the meals of the meals. The kind of party you can't tell if you'll get out of it alive.
10Now, boys and girls, this is to be a nice, clean story, do you hear? No lewd references to body parts, no toilet humor, no crude or sexual words will be tolerated.
10He wasn't anymore in the shape which defined him as "Rambo", back in the good old days. Then he heard something on radio : "one year from now, you'd wish you started today". And
10Lobsterman and Godzilla went, for the first time, to the nearest Whole Foods in search of good, healthy food. In the produce department, they looked around like tourists. They were
14ey lived happily ever after. Well, mostly. Two outta three ain't bad. The end. P.S. Regina's second head went on to become a supreme court justice, so it wasn't all bad for her.