FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12without effort, though my math-y friend told me that dividing by zero would tear some kind of hole in something. He didn't tell me this hole would suck up my money. 0 divided by 0
10I ran up and down the middle of the street, throwing high passes to myself, sometimes catching them, silently chanting "My marriage is not on the rocks." I didn't see the BMW until
10out of production. I did that with almost everything I liked. This dead cat earring: out of production. This hooded lab rat: out of production. Wait; those are still in production.
11his side dish. We were Frank & Cole. We came out strong, me with my sour disposition and Frank with his meaty kielbasa attitude. Ironically we did kill the CEO, a Mr. Oscar Meier
10whatever political party is in office at the time. My main concern is that this'll mean the loss of a dependent, and I might get bumped into a higher tax bracket with the insurance