FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10yoe yoe yoe. Hang on. Who's that? Let me take sniff. Hey hey, wait, your a dog, I'm a human, this is NOT RIGHT." I threw off the V-R helmet, stood, and glared at the proprietor.
13Rattus cracked open a keg and passed cup to Rattus. Rattus shouted "Hey Rattus, Rattus, and Rattus! Come get some brew!" Rattus and Rattus ran over but Rattus turned them away beca
12I counted the items in the small plastic bag again. "Nope. I have two bolts when I only need one bolt and I'm missing a small screw", I scanned the hieroglyphs in the instructions
10If only I was whiter than this. The world would be complete. Instead I sit here upon my throne of lies and watch the world burn. This is my story. This is my fate. It is not mine.
10spraying the walls with romesco sauce. "Hey those nuts were expensive!" It took the kitchen staff all evening to clean up the place. What a fiasco, but ah, it's in the pasta.