FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10It got more than a little weird when Jerry Seinfeld showed up for the bar and started flirting with Diane and then Sam punched him. By the time I was down to one donut,
16scattered across Grandma's lawn so her flowers feel nice and fresh this year when they bloom in the spring. Just clean this up so that
10wimsuits transparent. We shivered behind our crudely constructed rock wall, all goosepimply, as we watched the storm turn into a full-blown hurricane! Clinging to each other, we
12into my pillow and let the soothing voice lull me to sleep. My dreams that night, of course,were of ISIS receiving H bombs from Kim Jung Un. Never eat a Halloween sack full of
11ved my arm pits. "It's just so... ish." she quipped as she plucked the last of the hairs. I became weak as new-born lamb, "Curse you woman! Now I'll never be champion!"