FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13, or do I really mean putrefaction? Oh, I am so caught up in it I can't remember what I mean. Okay, so the lead character is in love with a cloud that is lit by the sun's dying ray
12Dick nodded his head, "Yes I like the idea, 'Sweep Dreams' for the new show, but we can't call the participants 'bums' or 'prostitutes'. We have to call them
10I'd saved and saved and it was finally here: my interpretive sign for the center about How to Water a Tree. Most people think you can
11This kind of "mise en abyme" talk was too much for him to handle and he went into a seizure. During his fugue state, a pot of water was boiling somewhere in the world.
10to dream a dream? Does this dragon track have to have a destination?" JMan ignored the wise Det & reached down to pick up a dragon scale covered in glinting runes. "To Norway!" gru