FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10really boring. It involved card stock. Embossings. Maybe a little gold leaf to really whip up the zanies. The collection could put a meth head to sleep, that's how boring it was.
11self. I learned that the secret slime word that activated his third nipple/slime faucet was "um", so I'd um until he'd take his slime-drenched shirt off. "So, um, deary, how was
10'This WC will continue to flush', stated the notice, boldly, 'for as long as the chain is held.'. "Really?" thought Spencer in amazement, and proceeded to hold the chain for the fo
15stupid gets. Now answer me, do you like rhinos?" Jenny implored again. I nodded uncertainly. "Good." and she unzipped herself and stepped out as a rhino. "This is who I am!"
11, well, frankly-speaking, a hot dog. Before he came along, I was nothing but a German cabbage fermenting in a vat of lactic acid bacteria. No one really liked me, but Frank made me