FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12She put her hand over his heart. Then he put his hand over her hand over his heart. Then she put her other hand over his hand over her hand over his heart. Then he put his other
22the job. This had gone on long enough! Once inside, she completely unraveled & within minutes it was finished. Latex carnage everywhere. It was the end of Sophie 's yarn.
12into my pillow and let the soothing voice lull me to sleep. My dreams that night, of course,were of ISIS receiving H bombs from Kim Jung Un. Never eat a Halloween sack full of
10the steering wheel, and drove the car up the side of the Convenient Getaway Beam. Chief Wala and Princess HotPocket landed safely and soundly on the carpetlike grass, whereas the q
10Stolen bottle of Valium that you were looking for. Remember? That was when the riots happened and you were told not to report it. Mr. Gigabyte himself made that decision." The