FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11"Why isn't anyone adding to my briliantl fold? It's just rolling off the front page & everyone's ignoring it!". It really chapped his ass. Busted his spleen. Made his blood boil.
10but it was blocked. Someone had stuffed a ball of fish scales in the keyhole. I opened the door. Little trails of water criss-crossed the floor. My pillow was wet. The goldfish swa
12a minute, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "no worries, only absolute losers who live in their parents' basement know what a manakete is anyway." I'll get you a new parakeet if
14but that didn't stop Gary from screaming about the dangers of jay walking. God damn it, Gary, it's the end of the world! Go eat a cat or something! Maybe I should stab him. Yeah.
10I was tired of being so clever and self-involved, but the baroque tapestry of my superior mind had already been woven. I avoided commoners for their sake; even a simple "hello"