FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10longer muddied by his past. Free now of royal bondage, Kenny escaped to the countryside & the empire now known as "Kenny's Krumpets" was born. All's well that ends well!
10Mother Mary. We need to have a party to celebrate this fabulous occasion!" So the sea gods were prayed to. They decided to be nice for a change and granted the Great White's wish.
12booze + a wedding ring, which I realize now was probably the worst way to score. Apparently when it goes that far, girls want something called "commitment" which I always thought
10sent turd-sniffing police dogs into my back seat to make sure that it really was a turd. One of them ate it by mistake, thus destroying the evidence. At least my cab was clean.
11a rash and embarrassing odor. The Captain called Dr. Derriere's office to complain and got his receptionist, Toni Tennille. They talked a good, long time while the Chairman steamed