A girl travels half across the world to see

  • A girl travels half across the world to see her father for just three weeks, whom she hadn't seen for three years. She ends up loving it and cancels her return ticket back home.

  • Meanwhile, another girl travels due west at 15 miles per hour. At what time do the two girls cross paths? This question counts for a quarter of your grade.

  • 15miles per hour=6.7056m/s=24.14Km/h...But what does that mean for those two girls and their hopefull young hearts?Trisha's dad was home when she brought Tina home for

  • their LARPing session. Trisha's dad, Mel, wanted to join. He's mad an elf shield and wore raw hide clothes and painted his skin green. Tina and Trisha refused to allow him to

  • join in the proceedings. Last time Mel tried, the LARPing session degenerated from a friendly game into a miniature Hunger Games in the backyard. No one survived except for Mel, wh

  • o'd lost her identity when the Spice Girls broke up. Mel was still angry about it & took out her frustrations by playing Katniss over& over with neighborhood children. LARPing had

  • always been her escape, roleplaying was her solace when things turn sour in her real-life pop career with the Spice Girls. Mel's portrayal of the Hunger Games survivor was actually

  • Quite accurate, when compared to the original. The Spice Girls sang, "Wannabe" like it was still 1997! I nev Mel never liked that song too much to begin with and didn't now.

  • No, Mel did not Wannabe her lover, nor did he wannaget with her friends. And unfortunately, friendship always did end. Mel learned to never aquiese to songs' demands/advice

  • though she did eventually spice up her life in order 2 become 1.



  1. Flopp May 11 2016 @ 02:39

    KieferSkunk - HAHAHA! Maths question!

  2. KieferSkunk Jun 02 2016 @ 16:16

    It just felt right. :)

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