I had no idea what I was doing, fashion design

  • I had no idea what I was doing, fashion design was obviously not my calling.Plus, my boss was the devil herself.

  • I chuckled to myself when realizing my life sounded like the plot to The Devil Wears Prada. The moment passed and I hurried onto my secretarial duties at my boss' request.

  • Stapplers, files, highlighters, and more files... god how tiresome i thought to myself. I kept thinking of that dream i'd had the other night. Something about it kept

  • causing me to burst out laughing and then causing hiccups that could only be stopped by drinking a glass of grapefruit juice while humming the first stanza of

  • Dante's Inferno. Yeah, I put it to music years ago, so I could remember it. I really don't like grapefruit juice, unless there is a ton of cotton candy flavored vodka in it.

  • You know what really grates my cheese, though?

  • "Hummmm....... a... cheeeese.......... grater?" answered Billy perplexed. He could never get used to his buddy's weird questions. "No silly, It's a metaphor, cheese stands for

  • Catatonic Horse Exo-Extraction SciencE: "C.H.E.E.S.E.". It's the field that explores how to deal with equine nervous disorders, specifically how to do so in space. Many of us find

  • it to be quite the satisfying profession. The very first time I ever was with a horse in space, as its eyes bulged due to the fluids beneath boiling, I saw

  • a new supernova bursting an eye in the horse head nebula.'Riders on the Storm' was playing on the radio as I headed to Camp Paranal to announce my discovery. Stargazing is my job!



  1. KieferSkunk Sep 23 2012 @ 19:19

    Nice way to round that one out. :) No good at fashion? Take up stargazing!

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