Picard: The duty of every Starfleet officer

  • Picard: The duty of every Starfleet officer is to the

  • Holiday Inn Corporation. These little wrapped soaps," said Picard, "are vital to our ops. Lately some 'friends' in the Romulan Restaurant Association have been moving counterfeit

  • bologna and even homeland security can not seem to track its origin

  • Which is ever the way of mixed, processed meats. Not that it ever interferes with my love of the product. Give me a good bologna, or bratworst, and man, I swear, I'll

  • swear, by the moon and the stars in the sky, I'll be there for better or worse, til death do us part and eat every processed meat in sight. That's how committed I am to

  • the Hormel family. "Then by the sacred meat jelly,I pronounce you man & wife. May your marriage last as long as a can of spam." Harvey was rich,but he dreamt his wife gave birth to

  • a full litter of beanie weenies with the beanies removed so it was just the weenies. Harvey Hormel had always wanted a big family and now that he was rich and married he meant to

  • have children, but his obsession with collecting squirrel figurines got in the way. This was the catalyst for Harvey Hormel and his wife Betty Crocker to part ways. Betty took all

  • month to move out of Harvey's house; she, being a hoarder, had an awful lot of useless sentimental possessions, mainly made up of 19th century spittoons. What she didn't know was

  • a television crew from yet another goddamn "reality" program was coming by to exploit her weakness, then make her believe it was for her best. Like some kind of sexual abuser.



  1. SlimWhitman Sep 28 2012 @ 06:17

    I was hoping Spam Baby would make an appearance, but I guess not every can of Spam contains Spambaby! Original Spam Baby http://foldingstory.com/31hep Spam Bomby http://foldingstory.com/bm121 Ray Ray Ray Jr. and Spam Baby http://foldingstory.com/3uc37 Spam Baby's dream http://foldingstory.com/kyq8c Iron Chef and Spam Baby http://foldingstory.com/1127k Thanks to GB for this FS original creation.

  2. Zetawilk Sep 28 2012 @ 13:57

    It is 2 o'clock. Do you know where your spam babies are?

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