No-one can understand my situation. No-one

  • No-one can understand my situation. No-one can help. No-one can break through the walls of darkness. Right, now that's out of the way, down to business. There has been a breach in

  • the White House, we must save the president now!

  • By the time the agents got there, the poor man was wearing cheap clothes and eating cheap ramen noodles, you know, like almost half of the population does. He shouted "CHANGE!" and

  • everything changed. He was now wearing designer cheap clothes and lifting personally customized ramen noodles as the agents pointed their water pistols at him in unison and said:

  • "Put the noodles down right now!" He didn't listen; instead, he took off his designer clothes and, with lightning speed, stuffed them up the agents' nostrils. They fainted.

  • He finished his noodles. He washed it down with some cranberry juice. Then he cleaned the kitchen and washed the dishes. All while naked & with 2 unconscious agents at his feet.

  • "Another uneventful Christmas," he sighed to his parakeet Maybelline, who had been averting her avian eyes from the nakedness and mayhem. He put on undies and rolled the agents to

  • the hotel down the street, unaware that Reynard the fox, hero of the French people, was back at his place, eating his parakeet and beating his dog with a sack of hammers.

  • With was very euphemistic for something dirty. After he relieved himself. Reynard the Fox walked out into the street a new Fox. Someone walking by said,"Que dit le renard?"

  • Reynard answered back, "Word to your mother."



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